Marketing Flow
Infographic of the Guide to a Sustainable Marketing
Creation of the infographic for a Sustainable Marketing written by more than 30 members of the Marketing Flow community. The challenge: to visually and impactfully summarize a guide of over 12,000 words. The infographic is available for download here.



Lucie assisted us during the release of our Guide to Responsible Marketing. We needed help summarizing the guide into a single impactful infographic and creating visuals for LinkedIn posts.
The mission went extremely well; we loved working with Lucie for the quality of her work, but especially for her ability to organize and execute a step-by-step action plan, respecting tight deadlines on our end.
Result: everyone was impressed by the infographic, and more than thirty people shared our guide on their social networks using Lucie’s visuals!
Working with Lucie means entrusting your project to someone with genuine values, pleasant to work with, who listens and takes our needs into account:
I recommend 100%!
Mégane Boutelou
Co-founder of Marketing Flow